Get $50 for almost zero effort. Seriously.

In an effort to promote my blog, I am giving away four $50 MasterCard gift certificates. All you have to do is respond to one of my posts. Once I have received a total of 50 posts, all from different people (and not from autobots), I will randomly select 4 of those people to send the gift cards to. That puts your odds of winning at 8%. Your odds of winning $50 on a $5 scratch off lottery ticket? .31%. I am doing this because my blog is the best ever. So post something awe inspiring.

Monday, April 22, 2013


I think one of the hardest things that human beings have to deal with in life is rejection. Rejection from lovers, spouses, parents, siblings, and friends are primarily responsible for all therapist bills in the United States. The problem with rejection is that it always comes after you've given yourself or at least a huge portion of yourself to another human being. You've put yourself out on a limb, you've done the best you can, you've put on your A game, you've done everything you could to make someone happy, and the only thing you wanted was appreciation for your actions. When devoting yourself fully to another, we desire to see those actions reciprocated, to have our love reflected back to us. When we strive to love another and to show how much we care and the other takes it, either ignores it or acts in the opposite of our expectations, we are rightfully devastated. One of the things we desire most in the world to is to be loved. This means different things to different people, and when you are in a relationship, you need to know what that other person needs to feel loved and act accordingly. If you "love" someone, failing to show that person they are cared about in the way they so desperately desire, will cause unrelenting pain in the other persons soul. Even if you are angry with them, or disapprove of their recent actions, you can still show love. I don't believe that rejection is ever appropriate. It's self-serving, narcissistic, and ultimately one of the most hurtful things a person can do. This doesn't mean that we should be in unfulfilling relationships, it means we should always be honest about how we are feeling about others so that they have the opportunity to change and show they love us in return. Failing to voice the truth about how much, or little, we actually care about someone is the weed that chokes relationships to death.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

OK.....I'm officially fed up with America. If you don't agree with Obama's politics you are racist? Screw you!! The people that voted for Obama just because he is black are the true racists!! They made their decision based purely on race. How is that not racism? I disagree with Obama because he didn't end the war in Afghanistan, the economy is still in shambles, he did nothing to decrease the national debt, he grew government exponentially, welfare benefits increased, 50% of Americans don't pay any taxes, an American ambassador was assassinated, he's played more golf than any other president in history, he wants military family benefits cut drastically, he turns a blind eye to Israel (America's ally for decades), he's done nothing to improve America's energy independence.....I like Obama because Osama Bin Laden is dead and there were no terrorist attacks on American soil......Anyways....when did we decide that just because you disagree with someones ideals you are a racist? Pure BS. I am sick of this urge to label every white person as a racist. We are not racists! Instead of asking people if they support Obama as a litmus test for racism, ask them these questions: Do you think blacks should sit in the back of the bus, drink in separate water fountains, have separate bathrooms, be able to vote, attend the same schools as whites?.....if you answered yes to any of those questions that's f'n racism...idiots! African Americans have all the same rights and privileges in America (maybe even more) as every other race. If there is any racism left in this country, it either is either reverse racism (if there is such a thing) or in the back woods of West Virginia. Racism in popular culture is dead. Deal with it!! There are people with opinions and people that disagree with those opinions. Plain and simple. Nothing to do with genetics. Can we please move on?

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I hate lurkers. You know the people I’m talking about. Usually sad old lonelies that treasure every ounce of communication they can get with the pharmacy clerk. Lurkers are people that spend way too much time performing a task that should be completed in a matter of seconds. Lurkers spend too much time in the passing lane, too much time at the checkout counter, and too much time making any decision in general. A typical lurker sets up camp immediately upon arriving at the front of the line. This ceremony can involve reading glasses, check books, open purses, coupons, talking with friends to help with the life and death decisions at Mcdonald’s, distracting children, and sometimes and overall misunderstanding of the English language. Lurkers are easy to spot. Next time you are in a line, glance around and study the other sheeples. The lurkers are the people that are making no attempt whatsoever at making a decision. Lurkers will be testing, talking on the phone, or just standing there with an empty look on their faces. When their turn comes up, it’s like you surprise them by asking them what they’d like to order. They always look taken aback…like they had no idea why they were even in the line in the first place. I hate people.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Do not look at the solitary acts of mankind and those of independent dictators and loose faith in our species. Look at the engineering marvels, the cooperative philanthropy, and all the human collaborative intellectual efforts in order to restore faith in mankind.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Stockton. Hell on Earth.

Here is a visual representation of the crime in Stockton over a 5 day period. Good times! For a more detailed report, check this out.

If you have no other option but to drive I5 through Stockton, here is what you need before you go: 1. A complete vehicle inspection. Have your vehicle checked over by a mechanic with autism and OCD. If he as much recommends changing your wiper blades, do it. 2. Life insurance. Should the unthinkable happen and you find yourself broken down in Stockton, you will most likely die. Leave something behind for those you love. 3. Hat's and T-shirts with every gang color imaginable. If by some very poorly made plans, you need gas in Stockton, when you first pull off the highway, assess your situation. What is the most prominent color? Who seems to be the alpha males? Are there any corpses nearby? If so, what color are they wearing? Dress appropriately and proceed to pump gas. Use a credit card, never expose any actual currency while inside the borders of Stockton. 4. Backup. Never drive through Stockton alone. Always make sure you have a spotter. If you can afford it, hire a private security firm. Take 3 SUV's with you and rotate their locations in line every 5 minutes 5. Firearms. This might go without saying, but if you are in Stockton for any reason, you WILL be forced to defend yourself. I recommend a sawed off 12 gauge shotgun loaded with at least quad-druple aught magnum buckshot. 6. A bible. When you are inevitably gunned down in Stockton, the police most likely won't respond. People getting shot in Stockton is like jaywalking in most cities. Always have some religious material on you at all times. You will soon be meeting your maker. 7. Military grade flak vest. Pull off at any rest area about 20 minutes either side of Stockton to put on your gear. I recommend a Kevlar helmet as well. If traveling at night, night vision is preferable.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The next cool

I'm sick of the word cool. It's time I invented the next cool. We all know that once our parents start using words in their proper context, it's time to move on. The first time I hear my parents use the word cool, I cringed and the word was forever marred. Throughout history, the young have used words that were outside the comprehension of the elderly to describe things they like. Words like Groovy, Hip, Fresh, Rad, Happenin, Solid, Etc...These words have all run their course and been laid to rest in the graveyard of words our parents have made completely irrelevant. Cool has been playing out way past its shelf life. Cool seems unwilling to die. Parents all over the nation are molesting this word, beating it mercilessly in the groin, stabbing it repeatedly in the face....and continues to limp along. I give cool some respect for hanging in there, but someone must be willing to deal cool the final death blow. I am willing to accept that challenging. I will step up to cool, place my sawed off 12 gauge up to its temple, and blast it's outdated brains all over the metaphorical wall. Let me also say that cool makes zero sense in the context it's used. In fact, that's that basis for the genius word I have come up with. Think about a word that literally makes no sense in describing a favorable situation. This guarantees that parents and the elderly will be so confused, unwilling, and unsure of how to use this word that it will last for at least a decade. Once old people hear this new word enough times, once they finally feel comfortable enough to throw it out there, dip their toes in the water, and awkwardly use this descriptor in its proper context, it's time to move on. Sooo....on to the genius that will flow from what will undoubtedly be validated as one of the world’s greatest minds....what will young people use to describe favorable scenarios for the next decade? The next cool will be: loud.....think about it....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Alcohol and my life

Thanks for being so proactive in responding to my blog assholes. It seems
no one wants free money? Anyways, basically my life revolves around one single
premise: Drink as much alcohol as humanly possible and suffer no ill
consequences. Let me explain. Supplements: I own bed time teas, melatonin, theonine,
coffee cruda, arsenic, and holy basil for that inevitable date when I stop
drinking. I own liver cleanse supplements, milk thistle, and liver detox tea to
combat the effects of alcohol. I also drink massive amounts of coffee because I
read a study that indicated coffee helps to combat alcohol induced liver cirrhosis.
I purchased a breathalyzer to make sure I am not too drunk to drive to work
every morning. I also make sure I start drinking by 6pm every night; otherwise
I would get a DUI on my way to work every morning. I continually lie to my
wife, using such excuses as: I just fell asleep on the couch, I went to watch a
movie, I went to an AA meeting, I thought it was too late to call you, I forgot
to text you, I am going to the gym, I left my phone in the car, my cell battery
died, etc...etc...etc... I own clothes that are wrinkle free so that I don't
have to do laundry. I buy aunt traps to combat my filthy living situation that
I don't clean due to being hammered every night. I always make sure there is
some sort of liquid available to drink in mass quantities due to the
dehydration I wake up with every morning. I have multiple fans to deal with the
increase in temperature I feel when I am consuming alcohol. I have a therapist
to help me quit drinking. I own a supplement call Kudzu to help curve alcohol
related cravings. My refrigerator is covered with pictures bodily organs
damaged by alcohol. I own audiobooks that try to and help you quit alcohol and
I have even listened to the hypnosis portions of those audiobooks. I have numerous
"hobbies" lined up for that magical day when I quit drinking that
include: Photography, adult dodgeball, exercise, drawing, song writing, golf, Nintendo
Wii, guitar, open mic nights, ping pong, metal detecting, tennis,
etc..etc..etc...I watch my daily calorie consumption to make sure I don't gain
massive amounts of weight (even though I have). Any rational person would look
at my life and think I was a total idiot. That the stress and mental effort it
takes to continue drinking is ridiculous. But this is what my life boils down
too. That high, that escape, that release of endorphins....those nights when I
have not a care in the world.....this is the reality I would rather live in.